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HOL Shares Shoegaze-Flavoured Anthem ‘Lipstick Muse’

It took a couple of listens to really grasp the magnitude of ‘Lipstick Muse’. The comeback single of Blackpool-based young rocker HOL, the track is a surprisingly good effort. From its veiled lo-fi nature to its shoegaze-inspired poignancy, everything points towards a record that tries to be understated, while hiding its true nature: a colossal banger, a youth anthem, an honest recollection of young love and the challenges stemming from it, especially when a relationship goes wrong and all you are left with are painful thoughts. 

At only 20 years old, HOL is showcasing herself as the talented songstress and rebellious spirit she is. She’s not your typical songwriter – more of a badass and legendary musical figure, navigating her complex reality the best she can, while sharing it with her listener. Sonically, ‘Lipstick Muse’ is everything we would want it to be. Blending indie and shoegaze tones, it reminds us of the likes of Beabadobee and The 1975, while maintaining a certain retro quality, drawing a line to the rock-powered pop of the 90s and 80s. 

A dynamic and ever-evolving project, HOL is certainly one of the most exciting offerings we have heard this year. Looking forward to seeing her grow into a national treasure. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Lipstick Muse’ on Spotify: 


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