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myclownshoes Return with Intoxicating Album ‘Tantrum’

It took us a while to decode the artistic force behind myclownshoes. Based in the US, the project has grown an impressive following, with several singles amassing millions of streamings on Spotify alone. Very active in 2019 and 2020, the band then took a hiatus, returning last year with newly-found confidence and a fuller, more comprehensive sound. Leaving the hypnotising minimalism they were known for behind, myclownshoes jump with both feet into fuzzier territories, while retaining their playful and melancholic lyrical force. 

‘Tantrum’ is their latest album, a charming statement of intent and a big promise for the future. In it, the keen listeners will quickly familiarize themselves with the band’s intricate guitar work, at times noisy and shoegaze-flavoured. Blue’s sleazy and meaningful vocals are exactly the same ones the project’s fanbase came to love; they are obviously growing – themes and delivery are fiercer, louder, and overall more complex. 

Oscillating between indie sensibilities and shoegaze, alt-rock stylings, ‘Tantrum’ finds light and evergreen gems such as ‘You Don’t Want Me’, next to more obscure and rebellious anthems such as ‘In Your Mailbox’. One can easily notice the shift in mood and gravitas throughout the whole record, providing a vivid, wholesome and vibrant listening experience that’s bound to resonate with an audience that has seemingly now evolved into early adulthood – just as myclownshoes have. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Tantrum’ on Spotify: 


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