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Melt Motif Share Captivating Video for Dark Gem ‘Broken Floor’

Back for 2023 with delicious unease, dark electronic trio Melt Motif both captivate and unnerve with their lead single ‘Broken Floor’ off their latest album ‘Particles. Death Objective’. With enticing lead vocals from Grammy-nominated Rakel, Melt Motive mix female perspective with dark visuals and soundscapes, bringing together something beautifully unsettling, musically profound and all-round morish for fans of the genre.  

The song enters with tense silence, breaking with eerie result with pounding distorted bass and jarring drum beats. The arrangement is sparse, allowing Rakel’s vocals to slide on top, hazy production and near-sultry vocal tone bringing an intriguing contrast to the bold instrumentation. The synth sounds weave in the background with haunting timbre, and grab the listener with hair-raising effect.

The video for the single is gripping, with horror-genre visuals making you want to look away in tangent to glueing your eyes to the screen. The images distort and creep alongside the soundscape, the creepily saturated shifting making it hard for you to grasp reality. The visuals marry the instrumentation perfectly, and reflect the meaning of the track itself, the dark, twisted truth that moving on doesn’t always lead to a better place.

Recommended! Check out Melt Motif’s video for their new single ‘Broken Floor’ here:


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